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Early Intensive Developmental and Behavioral Intervention

Early intervention services for developmental disabilities.

EIDBI services are designed to provide early intervention and support for individuals, often children, with developmental delays, autism spectrum disorder, or other behavioral challenges. These services aim to address various developmental and behavioral needs through evidence-based interventions. Here are some common components of EIDBI services:

Thorough Assessment Allows for Individualized Treatment Plan for Early Intervention.

Specialists conduct a comprehensive assessment to identify strengths and challenges, and then develop an individualized treatment plan that targets specific goals, strategies, and interventions to address developmental and behavioral problems, with an emphasis on early intervention to improve long-term outcomes.


Professionals assess strengths and problems, tailoring interventions to specific needs.

Treatment Plan

The assessment leads to an individualized plan with goals, strategies and interventions.

Early Intervention

EIDBI prioritizes early intervention to achieve long-term results in communication and skills.


EIDBI programs use evidence-based behavioral interventions such as applied behavior analysis (ABA).

Family Involvement

EIDBI services involve family members and train caregivers in sequential home-based interventions.


Therapy varies, including speech, occupational and sensory integration, depending on needs.

Progress Monitoring

Regular progress assessments track improvements and adjust action plans accordingly.

Transition Planning

EIDBI services help people plan for transitions such as starting school or changing levels.


EIDBI services involve professionals working together to provide comprehensive support.

About Autism

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disability caused by differences in the brain. Some people with ASD have a known difference, such as a genetic condition. Other causes are not yet known. Scientists believe there are multiple causes of ASD that act together to change the most common ways people develop.

Embrace a Brighter Future for Your Child

Don’t let your child’s challenges hold them back. At Ausome Development Center, we’re here to help them unlock their potential and embrace a brighter future.